The Medina County Manufacturing Council was established in 2017 to bring manufacturers together to address workforce, working with our schools, and promote the brand of manufacturing.

The Manufacturing Council partners with Made in Medina County to put on the Made in Medina County Manufacturing Expo in even years, and plant tours in odd years. Many of the plant tours feature our elected officials working in the plants. 

The Council also meets with our schools each fall. Small group discussions allow the manufacturers to hear what’s going on in the schools, and the schools get direct feedback on what manufacturers need today and in the foreseeable future. Out of one of these discussions came the Engineering Expo where engineers go to a high school and talk with Grade 6-12 students and their parents about the fields in engineering.

There is no fee to join the Medina County Manufacturing Council; meetings are quarterly, starting with the first Thursday in February. Manufacturers seeking more information can contact Bethany Dentler at